Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Stress Types Reflection

Stress Types Reflection

Q As you reflect on going through this kind of experience, you would certainly expect to be affected emotionally, but what would you expect physically? What happens to your body? What kinds of physiological reactions take place? If you are posting your initial response, click the Start a New Thread button. If you are responding, click the Reply to Thread button for the thread you wish to respond to.

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After completing the activity and reflecting back on the experience, I would definitely feel affected emotionally. I also believe I would be affected physically as well. I would expect my heart to start racing beating faster and faster. I may even be able to hear the sound of my heart beat being so loud in my ear. I also would think that I may start to sweat and my mind would start to race on all of the negative scenarios that could play out. I may start to run and try to listen if the footsteps are running the same direction as I. I believe I may even start to panic if the footsteps persisted, in which heavy breathing would accompany my panic attack.